
Powershell onedrive
Powershell onedrive

powershell onedrive

OnedriveMapper v4 (very lightweight and simple version that supports all kinds of MFA but depends on Internet Explorer) Still seems to work on all OS’es but can be retired by Msft anytime without warning) OnedriveMapper V3 / older releases (does not support all types of MFA, conditional access etc but has more features.

powershell onedrive

Syncing in such environments is a bad idea as each user potentially has to re-sync data at each login and can potentially access other user’s data. It was designed to run in scenario’s where using the Onedrive for Business client is not feasible, such as legacy multi-user environments like Citrix or within a RemoteApp. OneDriveMapper is a free ( non-commerial use), open source script I wrote to be used as a logon or on demand script to map OneDrive for Business and/or Sharepoint Online to driveletters and/or Network Locations, it has been downloaded over 2,500,000 times and has millions of users.

Powershell onedrive